
               author = "Carvalho, Anelena L. de and Nelson, Bruce W. and Bianchini, Milton 
                         C. and Plagnol, Daniela and Kuplich, Tatiana Mora and Daly, 
                         Douglas C.",
          affiliation = "National Institute for Amazon Research, Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil 
                         and National Institute for Amazon Research, Manaus, Brazil and 
                         Instituto de Criminal\ı \́ stica do Amazonas - 
                         IC/Departamento de Pol\ı \́ cia Te \́ cnico 
                         Cient\ı \́ fica – DPTC/Pol\ı \́ cia Civil 
                         do Estado do Amazonas – PCAM, National Institute for Amazon 
                         Research, Manaus, Brazil and National Institute for Amazon 
                         Research, Manaus, Brazil and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 
                         Espaciais (INPE)} and The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New 
                         York, United States of America",
                title = "Bamboo-Dominated Forests of the Southwest Amazon: Detection, 
                         Spatial Extent, Life Cycle Length and Flowering Waves",
              journal = "PLoS One",
                 year = "2013",
               volume = "8",
               number = "1",
                pages = "e54852",
                month = "Jan.",
             keywords = "bamboo, forest, Amazon.",
             abstract = "We map the extent, infer the life-cycle length and describe 
                         spatial and temporal patterns of flowering of sarmentose bamboos 
                         (Guadua spp) in upland forests of the southwest Amazon. We first 
                         examine the spectra and the spectral separation of forests with 
                         different bamboo life stages. False-color composites from orbital 
                         sensors going back to 1975 are capable of distinguishing life 
                         stages. These woody bamboos flower produce massive quantities of 
                         seeds and then die. Life stage is synchronized, forming a single 
                         cohort within each population. Bamboo dominates at least 161,500 
                         km 2 of forest, coincident with an area of recent or ongoing 
                         tectonic uplift, rapid mechanical erosion and poorly drained soils 
                         rich in exchangeable cations. Each bamboo population is confined 
                         to a single spatially continuous patch or to a core patch with 
                         small outliers. Using spatial congruence between pairs of 
                         mature-stage maps from different years, we estimate an average 
                         life cycle of 2728 y. It is now possible to predict exactly where 
                         and approximately when new bamboo mortality events will occur. We 
                         also map 74 bamboo populations that flowered between 2001 and 2008 
                         over the entire domain of bamboo-dominated forest. Population size 
                         averaged 330 km2. Flowering events of these populations are 
                         temporally and/or spatially separated, restricting or preventing 
                         gene exchange. Nonetheless, adjacent populations flower closer in 
                         time than expected by chance, forming flowering waves. This may be 
                         a consequence of allochronic divergence from fewer ancestral 
                         populations and suggests a long history of widespread bamboo in 
                         the southwest Amazon.",
                  doi = "10.1371/journal.pone.0054852",
                  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0054852",
                 issn = "1932-6203",
                label = "lattes: 8997858562195060 5 CarvalhoNeBiPlKuDa:2013:DeSpEx",
             language = "en",
           targetfile = "journal.pone.0054852.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "20 set. 2024"
